Crime & Safety

Woman stabbed her baby daughter to the chest multiple times before taking a picture of her holding her lifeless body and sending it to her mother 

A harrowing incident has highlighted the profound complexities of maternal mental health. A mother now faces the legal consequences of an act that left her 3-month-old daughter dead. Initial investigations into the late December tragedy have revealed a scene of devastation and a mother grappling with acute psychological distress. As more details emerge, questions arise on the adequacy of mental health support systems, especially for new mothers.

A 32-year-old mother faces formal charges for the death of her 3-month-old daughter in a tragic event late last year. Authorities announced that Krista B. was indicted by a grand jury on charges of murder and the death of a child by a parent or guardian through child abuse.

Earlier court records revealed an alarming situation at Krista’s apartment. According to news outlets, on December 30, 2022, Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to a distress call at the apartment complex. The caller, a neighbor, reported a grievous incident at Krista’s residence, stating there was a deceased child and a significant amount of blood.

Upon arrival, first officers on the scene found Krista holding her unresponsive child. A knife, covered in blood, was located nearby and secured as evidence. Both the mother and child were quickly transported to the hospital. Unfortunately, the child was declared deceased at around 8:15 a.m. An autopsy later revealed the baby’s heart and lungs had been pierced by multiple stab wounds, determining the cause of death as homicide.

Krista, who had self-inflicted stab wounds to the head, chest, and wrist areas, was transferred to another hospital for specialized medical attention. Evidence gathered from the apartment included the child’s clothing, which consisted of a shirt with multiple holes in the chest area that appeared to have been pierced with the butcher knife found at the scene. Further disturbing details emerged when investigators spoke to Krista’s mother. She told them that at about 6:50 a.m. on the day of the stabbing, her daughter sent a photograph showing herself covered in blood and holding her daughter, who appeared to be “lifeless” in the photo.

A nurse practitioner who cared for Krista during her stay at the hospital told investigators that when she asked Brunecz what happened to her and her child, Krista responded by saying she “stabbed her baby, then herself.” Additionally, the nurse said she asked Krista if she had been purposefully trying to kill herself and her baby, to which Krista allegedly responded, “Yes.”

Lastly, Krista’s boyfriend, who chose to remain anonymous, said that she had been struggling with postpartum psychosis and had not received the necessary help before the heartbreaking incident occurred.

Donald Wolfe

Donald’s writings have appeared in HuffPost, Washington Examiner, The Saturday Evening Post, and The Virginian-Pilot, among other publications. He is a graduate of the University of Virginia. He is the Virginian Tribune's Publisher.

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