
More than 400 children given free toys for Christmas and families in need assisted with decorations and household items

Salem, Virginia – Approximately 85 percent of Americans celebrate Christmas, and it is considered to be the most celebrated holiday nationwide. For the majority of Americans, Christmas is the nicest period of the year when the holiday magic is everywhere around us and it’s time for families to come together and celebrate. Many people take time off work or school to spend time with their loved ones, and this can create a sense of togetherness and warmth. Christmas is also considered the peak of the travel season, as millions of Americans are headed home to celebrate the holiday with their families.

Decorating our homes, baking cookies, or singing carols are some of the most common traditions and rituals almost every American family keeps for decades. Christmas is all about giving and sharing, and giving is an act of love. The joy of being able to bless someone, show them you care, and make them smile is priceless. Although Christmas is a festivity for the entire family, children play an important role in it.

Some families, however, are having a hard time affording the holidays and everything that comes with them. With skyrocketing prices and the highest inflation in decades, a growing number of people across the nation are having financial difficulties affording to celebrate the holidays. In an effort to try and help families, especially children, hundreds of non-profits are working round the clock during the holiday to assist those in need.

On Friday, families in need of assistance and their children were able to shop for toys, clothes, and food items at the Roanoke Valley Community Christmas Store completely free of charge. The store, completely funded by the community, was able to make the upcoming Christmas nicer for hundreds of families and children.

The Roanoke Valley Community Christmas Store provided toys to more than 400 children from the area, while their parents were given household items and decorations in an effort to bring some holiday magic into their homes. Those who visited the store were grateful to the community for donating and supporting them during these difficult times since, for the majority of the store visitors, the free items given earlier this week will probably be everything they will get this holiday season.

“I appreciate everybody here and I just thank God that something like this is in place for people like me and a lot of other people who need the help,” one of the shoppers said. “It’s a beautiful thing.”

Saturday was the last day the store was open.

Marco Harmon

I was born and raised in Roanoke, VA. I studied Communications Studies at Roanoke College, and I’ve been part of the news industry ever since. Visiting my favorite downtown Roanoke bars and restaurants with my friends is how I spend most of my free time when I'm not at the desk.

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